当前位置:铅笔小说>科幻灵异>指挥官的无限打工之旅> 关于本书的决定和通知



I know patience is a rare virtue to have in these modern days for most folks, so I will get straight to the point then I will share the journey I had yesterday:

The decision is, this story will go on, I will write every day and you will get the update everyday just like it has been in the past 10 months, with a daily minimum of about 3000 words.

As for that end of the month benefit/minimum support bonus or what ever you may want to call it, the one that you must write 4000 words per day minimum to be able to qualify, my response is:

Fuck it.

Now, for the journey I had yesterday.

I had to fight my inner demons once ……




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