当前位置:铅笔小说>武侠仙侠>生活因你火热> 第二百六十一章 命中注定我爱你

第二百六十一章 命中注定我爱你



Maybe disappearing would be more accurate, because after this trip I made up my mind to leave New York and move to somewhere near by him, cause I still loved Lil-AI, and once I knew that, then none of that mattered...


Maybe disappearing would be more accurate, When I realized I couldn't afford to lose Issac, I made a decision to leave New York and move to Perking. Cuz he ' s still the one I run to.

Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while youfind someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.

Well, I ……




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